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Data Ghost

Home Planet: n/a
Life Form: n/a
Episodes: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead

If anyone died in the 51st century, they would have their comm devices to create a digital impression of the living consciousness of the person, after they were dead, as if they were alive again, and you could hear them. People who were conscious would be able to speak to them, in their last dying moments, and they could speak back. But after a while of this, it gets confused, and doesn't work properly, repeating things it says and making odd statements, not meaning anything or contributing to the situation. As we saw in the Silence in the Library two-parter, the speaker in which you can hear the person talking after they've perished is located at the top of their white suits. When there are green lights on the ghost bar, without them blinking, you are able to work out that the person's alive, but if they are blinking, and there are fewer of them, it means that they are dead. As we saw in the story, the Vashta Nerada ate both Daves, but they could still walk, and were not properly dead at the time. Data Ghosts can also be stored on a hard drive, and the conscious self can be living inside a computer. This is sometimes referred to as 'cheating death'.

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