Home Planet: Skaro & Earth
Life Form: Dalek/Human
Episodes: Bad Wolf, The Parting of the Ways
The first time the Doctor encountered a mass on Daleks since the Time War was in the year 200,100. The fleet was controlled by the Emperor Dalek, who had led the Daleks in the Last Great Time War, when they fought against the Time Lords. During this, the Doctor's home planet, gallifrey, was destroyed. It was no wonder, then, when he first saw the hovering spacships outside te Gamestation, orbiting Earth in that era. There were many Dalek saucers, very big and prominent. In the middle wad the mothership, many times bigger than the other ships, which contained the Emperor. In the war, this fleet was made up of 10 million ships, but there were much less during this invasion. So many Daleks were destroyed that the Emperor had to build a new race, and used humans transported from the Gamestation to do it. In the end, there were 200 ships, but unfortunately for the Daleks, they were destroyed into just plain atoms by Rose Tyler, after she had absorbed the time vortex in her head, meaning that she could control anything that she wanted. She was then the 'Bad Wolf'. Before this, though, the Daleks used a missile to try and destory the Tardis, but did not succed because of the Tardis' new shields. The Daleks flew out of the ships to try and take over Earth, also trying to destroy anyone on the Gamestation in the process.
Life Form: Dalek/Human
Episodes: Bad Wolf, The Parting of the Ways
The first time the Doctor encountered a mass on Daleks since the Time War was in the year 200,100. The fleet was controlled by the Emperor Dalek, who had led the Daleks in the Last Great Time War, when they fought against the Time Lords. During this, the Doctor's home planet, gallifrey, was destroyed. It was no wonder, then, when he first saw the hovering spacships outside te Gamestation, orbiting Earth in that era. There were many Dalek saucers, very big and prominent. In the middle wad the mothership, many times bigger than the other ships, which contained the Emperor. In the war, this fleet was made up of 10 million ships, but there were much less during this invasion. So many Daleks were destroyed that the Emperor had to build a new race, and used humans transported from the Gamestation to do it. In the end, there were 200 ships, but unfortunately for the Daleks, they were destroyed into just plain atoms by Rose Tyler, after she had absorbed the time vortex in her head, meaning that she could control anything that she wanted. She was then the 'Bad Wolf'. Before this, though, the Daleks used a missile to try and destory the Tardis, but did not succed because of the Tardis' new shields. The Daleks flew out of the ships to try and take over Earth, also trying to destroy anyone on the Gamestation in the process.
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