Home Planet: Earth/Toraji Sun
Life Form: Possessed Human
On the SS Pentallian, the crew scooped out the sun's heart and used it as fuel. It was so furious that it possessed a crew member called Korwin McDonnell and gave them 42 minutes to fix what they had done. Korwin had the power of the sun inside him and could burn people by opening his eyes, while looking at them. He first killed Abi Learner and then Erina Lessak. He then found his best friend, Ashton, and turned him into a Sun Possessed by grabbing onto him. Ashton launched an escape pod with Martha and Riley Vashtee inside. Korwin was about to kill his wife, Kath McDonnell, until Orin Scannell froze him. As Ashton was about to burn the Doctor, he felt the pain of Korwin and walked on. The Doctor took a spacesuit and climbed outside of the SS Pentallian and magnetised the escape pod but it wasn't long until the sun possessed him too. Kath froze Ashton and killed him, but Korwin continued to move. The Doctor was brought to the stasis chamber by Martha and Kath and was frozen, but Korwin turned off the power. Kath sacrificed herself to kill Korwin and they hurtled towards the sun. Riley, Martha and Orin dumped the fuel and the Doctor turned to normal and the SS Pentallian flew away from the sun.
Episodes: 42
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