Place of Origin: Skaro
Life Form: Kaled
Episodes: The Stolen Earth, Journey's End
After Davros was rescued by Dalek Caan and had finished creating his new army of Daleks, he used a planet sized ship known as the Crucible to travel the universe and "steal" planets. Earth was the final planet to be taken by Davros. He took the planets to the Medusa Cascade where he and his Daleks awaited the arival of the Doctor in a pocket of time 1 second out of sync with the rest of the universe. Davros used advanced technology to hack into the wavelengths of the Subwave Network and talk to the Doctor, explaining to his nemesis how he had survived. It quickly became apparent that Davros had once again become a slave to the Daleks rule who placed him under guard within the Vault on the Crucible as part of a deal he made with the Supreme One. (If Davros was indeed a slave, it is puzzling as to why there was a terminal in his prison, which could be used to control every aspect of the Daleks travel machines and the Crucible, especially as it did appear to be appeasable by Dalek implements. Donna and the Doctor used this to destroy the Daleks). This arrangement required Davros to build a Reality bomb powered by the Crucible. The 27 planets in the Medusa Cascade, which would destroy all of existence leaving the Daleks the sole inhabitants of the universe. His plan failed due to the intervention of the Doctor and Donna Noble who destroyed the Dalek race once more leaving Davros on a burning Crucible. Before leaving in the TARDIS, the Doctor offered to save Davros but the creator of the Daleks refused stating that he named the Doctor the destroyer of worlds, after which he was apparently engulfed in flames.
After Davros was rescued by Dalek Caan and had finished creating his new army of Daleks, he used a planet sized ship known as the Crucible to travel the universe and "steal" planets. Earth was the final planet to be taken by Davros. He took the planets to the Medusa Cascade where he and his Daleks awaited the arival of the Doctor in a pocket of time 1 second out of sync with the rest of the universe. Davros used advanced technology to hack into the wavelengths of the Subwave Network and talk to the Doctor, explaining to his nemesis how he had survived. It quickly became apparent that Davros had once again become a slave to the Daleks rule who placed him under guard within the Vault on the Crucible as part of a deal he made with the Supreme One. (If Davros was indeed a slave, it is puzzling as to why there was a terminal in his prison, which could be used to control every aspect of the Daleks travel machines and the Crucible, especially as it did appear to be appeasable by Dalek implements. Donna and the Doctor used this to destroy the Daleks). This arrangement required Davros to build a Reality bomb powered by the Crucible. The 27 planets in the Medusa Cascade, which would destroy all of existence leaving the Daleks the sole inhabitants of the universe. His plan failed due to the intervention of the Doctor and Donna Noble who destroyed the Dalek race once more leaving Davros on a burning Crucible. Before leaving in the TARDIS, the Doctor offered to save Davros but the creator of the Daleks refused stating that he named the Doctor the destroyer of worlds, after which he was apparently engulfed in flames.
Just pointing out, avros isn't a Time Manipulating Insect, lol, he's a Kaled.
It doesn't say that he is!
Sorry yes, I see what you mean. Now sorted!
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