Home Planet: Skaro
Life Form: Armored Kaled Mutant
In the Last Great Time War, this Dalek Emperor, possibly different from those before it, led the Dalek race into battle, but was believed to have been destroyed, at the end of the war. It’s ship had barely survived, and it fell through time and afterwards it went into hiding and went on to rebuild a new race of Daleks. This Emperor was a Dalek mutant floating in a transparent tank of liquid, topped by a giant-sized Dalek dome, complete with eyestalk, and flanked by panels of armour dotted by Dalek "bumps". Because this Emperor had recreated the Dalek race, it saw itself as a god, and had transformed its Daleks from fascists to religious fanatics centred around them worshipping it. This Emperor was supposedly destroyed by Rose Tyler, along with the rest of the Daleks, after she had absorbed the whole of the time vortex into her head, through the Tardis, and became the ‘Bad Wolf’, which had been following her and the Doctor around for ages!
Episodes: The Parting of the Ways
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