Home Planet: Parallel Earth
Life Form: Human
The Cybus Cybermen originated in another universe, where they were created by John Lumic, the owner of Cybus Industries. They believed that all people must be "upgraded" to Cyber-form as they were weak. These Cybermen believed that emotions were proof that they destroyed the individual, which was why they were converted to remove them. Conversion involved removing the brain of the subject and placing it within a suit of armour. This process was horrific with screams often being heard by the victims throughout the procedure. Once complete, the newly developed Cyberman had a special implant placed within their brains which prevented them from feeling their emotions or registering their past memories making them cold calculating machines. However, if the implants were disrupted then the Cybermen entered into a traumatic state as they were overloaded by the pain of the conversion resulting in them dying in agony or their heads exploding from the overload of emotions. The Cybermen from the Parallel universe are different from the ones that were first created in ours. These Cybermen were created from taking the brain from the human, and placing them in Cyber bodies, so that the brain is the only thing human. These Cybermen are stronger and more heavily built. It has not been confirmed yet if they are still allergic to gold. Their weapons are their electrified hands and a small wrist-mounted energy weapon. They have a chip that removes the emotions and feelings they have, so that they are mentally stronger and to prevent them realizing who they are. They came across to our world when they followed the Dalek void ship, across the void, but at first, only came out as ghosts. They declared war on the Daleks, and the two races fought against each other. The Cybermen boosted their numbers to fight by upgrading humans. The war was stopped, however, when the Doctor managed to trap both the Daleks and the Cybermen in the void. When the came across the void and entered our world, they now had built-in lasers and were under the leadership of a Cyber Leader. When one Cyber Leader is slain, the Cybermen just download the rank into another and therefore always have a leader.
Stories: Rise of the Cybermen, The Age of Steel, Army of Ghosts, Doomsday
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