Home Planet: Skaro
Life Form: Armoured Kaled Mutant
The Cult of Skaro were a secret group of four Daleks created by the emperor. Their names were Dalek Sec, Caan, Jast and Thay. The black Dalek, Dalek Sec, was their leader. They were a secret order, who were to think like their enemies in order to destroy them, although their original purpose was to imagine new ways of survival. During the Last Great Time War, they operated as a final strategic reserve - rather than fighting, they escaped into the space between universes, along with what they called the Genesis Ark, a piece of Time Lord technology. The Torchwood Institute's meddling began to open the barrier to the Void, which had been broke down by the Cult's Void ship. Torchwood Tower, known to the public as Canary Wharf, had been built around the gap into the Void so that Torchwood 1 could study it and use its energy. When the Void Ship opened, the Cult exited the ship and declared war, or pest control, against the Cybermen that had invaded Earth from the Parallel universe, thereby leading to the Battle of Canary Wharf. The Cult escaped the battle through a temporal shift and ended up in New York City in 1930.
Episodes: Army of Ghosts, Doomsday, Daleks in Manhattan, Evolution of the Daleks
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